Vujovics: We will win the Super cup

Videoton's striker spoke to the clubs website ahead of the super cup final

Goran Vujovics spent part of last season on loan to Videoton's super cup opponents, KTE. The young forward shared his thoughts on the upcoming cup final on Friday.

- There are very few people around who know as much about both Videoton and Kecskemet as you do. How do you think Friday's match will end up?

I feel that it will be an open and attractive game, and similar to the Hungarian cup final. I know that many fans will find it hard to find positives about that cup final, which was played at the Ferenc Puskas stadium. However, I am sure that the Videoton fans will be leaving the stadium at Kecskemet in a happy mood. There have been many changes over the summer months, with a new manager coming in together with new players. We have become much more confident under the guidance of Paulo Sousa, making us a better side. You could already feel this over the pre-season period. We will be going to Kecskemet to win, and there can be no doubt that we will win the Super cup.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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