Torghelle: "This was the fastest goal of my career so far"

Vidi striker Sandor Torghelle scored the only goal of the match in the first minute on Sunday

"We experienced on Wednesday just how strong Ferencvaros are. We got what we had expected from the match. I am pleased that we managed to get some sort of revenge for our defeat to them in the autumn and the league cup final a few days before. No two games are ever the same, as I have said in the past, and I still believe this now. Looking back to Wednesday's cup final game, we made several errors in that match, and we were not that organized. I felt that all of the players, from the goalkeeper to the forwards were all very together. We also helped each other out when we needed to. I am very happy that I managed to score a goal, especially as it came so quickly.

I cannot remember if I have ever scored so fast. Of course I would be lying if I would say that we have not looked at the table, or focused on our rivals. We will continue to put pressure on them, and I respect all the results of games, whether we are looking at Eger or Győr. We need to focus on our own team. We still have 5 league games left to play; or rather there are 15 points still up for grabs. If we can succeed with this, and know that we gave our all, then as I have already said, the fate is still not in our hands" - said goalscoring hero Sandor Torghelle.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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