Istvan Kovacs: Rehabilitation going better than expected

The young midfielder broke his collarbone in the recent Hungary U21 match with Bosnia.

"The controlled examinations have shown better than expected results than could have been expected two and a half weeks after the original injury. We will carry out further rehabilitation work with more confidence as a result. The emphasis is on strengthening at the moment, but the doctor has given the OK for him to begin running. The next step will include football specific exercises, and then it will be just a question of time before he can return to the team. We are very confident based on the results so far" - commented club physio Szilard Purger.

"I feel really good now, with the professional people around me giving me hope to continue my rehabilitation, compared to the original expectations following my operation. I had a controlled examination on Monday, with the doctors giving me the go ahead to begin running based on those results. This does not mean jogging but proper running. I have been going to bed in the evening feeling tired as a result, but this is a very nice feeling. I have no pain fortunately, either when I am running, or even when I am strengthening my body with the help of club physio Szilard Purger. When I was in hospital, I saw so many people with different illnesses, with many of them unable to even leave their beds. We have plenty of training to do, but I am happy to do this, especially after my period out with injury. I have had two operations in the past, but I have never had to miss such a lengthy period out during a season, as the two previous times happened in November and December. I am feeling confident overall and I hope to get back into the team in the middle of October." - said midfielder Istvan Kovacs to the club's official website.

Author: David Rechnitzer