Balazs Toth is hoping that the supporters can help Vidi through

The games are coming thick and fast and the attention switches to the Hungarian cup on Wednesday

Haladas visit the Sostoi stadium on Wednesday in the Hungarian cup third round. What type of game are you counting on?

I am sure that it will not be an easy match, as the Szombathely side made things difficult for us already this season. I am looking for us to win the game, and produce a good performance at the same time, just as we did last week in the Europa League against Basel, and then again in the Hungarian league with Debrecen. Luckily we are in good form at the moment and the atmosphere in the dressing room is very good right now.

This match will be settled over the 90 minutes, so is it an advantage to be playing our opponent at home?

This is an interesting question, as everyone would straight away think that it is an advantage without really thinking about it. It probably is an advantage at one level, that we can play in front of our own supporters, but at the same time, games which are settled over one match are always dangerous. Haladas did not have any problems about playing away from home in their last match, and did their job and beat Ferencvaros on their own pitch. That is why I believe that it will be a very difficult game for us. but we need to dominate on our own pitch, and fight to go through to the next round.

The games are coming all the time: you have been playing two games a week for two months now. Is it harder to recover from the mental or physical tiredness?

I would say that it is rather the mental tiredness, which is harder to rest from. The coaching staff does everything to make sure that we are physically at our peak in games, and that we are mentally fresh and remain well prepared. I feel that the team are starting to show what we can do over the last few games, and we are playing at a good tempo now. I hope that many supporters come out to watch our game with Haladas and give us their backing. It is important that we reach our targets together, which is to go through.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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