A bridge too far...

Vidi go down 3-1 on aggregate following the two goal defeat in Maribor

NK Maribor - Videoton FC 2-0 (1-0) Agg. 3-1

The big dream went up in smoke in the Slovenian town of Maribor on Thursday night. The game was level at 1-1 from the first leg match a week before. But in truth, Videoton never looked like getting a result in a game that would determine who would face Hibernian FC in the next round. Vidi knew that they would have to attack the Slovenian defence to have any chance. They needed to score goals and play better than they had done a week ago in Győr. Sadly it did not work out the way manager Gyorgy Mezey would have liked it to, and that he could not choose his strongest starting eleven. The injury to Attila Polonkai in the first half did not make things any easier, as Bojan Djordjic came on to attempt to find a way through the stubborn home defence. Vidi had their small moments including a nice volley from Djordjic. In the end it is fair to say that it was the home side that produced the more consistent form over the two games to go through.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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