Zsoter: I am at the best place from a development point of view

Young Donat Zsoter has gone out on loan to second division side Szolnok to help in his development.

Young Donat Zsoter has gone out on loan to second division side Szolnok. He is currently preparing for the spring season with them. The loan deal was agreed on Wednesday with the youth international hoping to gain such much needed experience.

"I feel that from a development point of view, I have moved to the best place. My priority will be to get into the Szolnok starting eleven. It will not be an easy task, as there are many good players in the squad, but I will do all I can to win over the confidence of the manager. I will do all I can in the matches to make sure that Szolnok are in a better position by the end of the spring season then they are now.  I enjoy scoring goals, as well as setting up others. It appears as if the manager is counting on me being a playmaker, which is my original position. I hope that I can produce performances, which will win over the Videoton coaching staff, so that I can be included in the summer." - commented Donat Zsoter to vidi.hu.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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