Roland Juhasz will be out for a few weeks through injury

The defender picked up an injury during the second half of Sunday's draw at the ETO Park.

"Sadly during this morning's medical inspection, they diagnosed a serious injury to my knee. The inner ligament has been damaged, and it looks as though I will be out for a good few weeks. I am very disappointed as I was finally getting back to good form, while I also made it back into the national team. There are several important games coming up in the coming months. An injury never comes at a good time, but this has come at the worst time. I will remain optimistic and the only piece of positive news is that it does not require an operation" - commented Roland Juhasz, who we wish a speedy recovery to. 

Dr. Kovács Tibor - Team Doctor:
"Roland Juhász suffered an injury to his right knee, with his ligament having been torn. This will mean that he will have to wear a knee support for several weeks, before he can start his rehabilitation. As we are talking about a very fresh injury, it is difficult to say exactly when he can return, but we are talking about several weeks. We have contacted the national team that sadly they should not count on the player for next week."

Author: David Rechnitzer