Report: Defeat at home to Debrecen

Vidi went down 1-2 at home on Saturday evening.

In the 19th round of the OTP Bank Liga our team hosted DVSC at the MOL Arena Sósto on Saturday evening. This time Imre Szabics went for the eleven of Kovács D. - Nego, Fiola, Shabanov, Heister - Lednev, Zulj, Alef, Petryak - Kodro, Dárdai. Joan Carrillo, who won the league title and runners up with Vidi, was on the managers bench for the visitors, and interestingly, the Catalan head coach replaced all the former Vidi players (Bence Sós, Ádám Bódi, Patrik Tischler, Zsombor Bévárdi, József Varga) on the bench against us at the start of the match.

The match started with a good Vidi chance, Petryak's good ball was hit at goal by Zulj, but Hrabina was able to save. In the 11th minute, Patrik Poór fouled 18 metres from the DVSC goal and was shown a yellow card for the first time, before VAR confirmed Bogar's decision. Kodro's free-kick went in the right direction but Dzsudzsák managed to block the shot. In the 27th minute, Dárdai shot at goal after a nice trick, Hrabina managed to reach the ball. In the 32nd minute, after a nice attack, Lednev centred to Petryak, who shot into the far bottom corner, but VAR disallowed the goal. In the 35th minute, Patrik Poór, who had a yellow card, touched the ball with his hand, but referee Bogár did not punish him for the incident.

Three minutes later, Szécsi's shot was saved by Dániel Kovács, and minutes later Charleston made a great block from Nego. In the 42nd minute, Lednev's corner was headed into the net by Alef, who was well paced in the middle! (1-0). Unfortunately, Márk Szécsi equalised three minutes later with a long range shot into the top corner(1-1) and the teams went to the dressing room with the score 1-1.

The second half kicked off without either side making a change. It was four minutes old when Fiola found himself with a chance on goal following a Petryak corner. However, a visiting defender squeezed him out and it did not hit the target. With 53 minutes played, Zulj and Dardai both saw their shots blocked. A minute later and Zulj released Petryak for a corner, which ended up with Alef not being able to have enough power to cause Hrabina problems.

Geresi came on after 58 minutes while Nikolic and Szendrei arrived onto the pitch with 71 minutes played. It was to be Debrecen who would go on and win the match in the 87th minute. Szecsi firing home from close range to make it 1-2. We are next in action on Tuesday evening when we travel to Szeged to play in the MOL Hungarian cup. That match will kick off at 20:00pm

Author: David Rechnitzer

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