Q + A with Andras Fejes

We asked the players questions about their everyday lives, the habits and whether there are any important aspects that play a vital role besides work and learning.

Hi! My name is Helga, and I will try my best to help you get to know the players that play week in, week out for Videoton better. Here is my question and answer session with Andras Fejes. Let's get straight to it! 

- Do you ever watch cartoons?
I do not really watch any at the moment. I used to watch Nickelodeon when I was a kid, and virtually everything within that. I really enjoyed Tom & Jerry.

- Do you have any childhood memories that you would gladly remember back to?
I do not have any concrete ones that come straight to my head. I remember that our family was very united and my parents are still together, which if we look at things today is becoming a rare thing. This togetherness formed the base of a very happy childhood for me.

- How do you switch off and relax?
If I feel like unwinding, then for me it is more than enough to be together with my girlfriend or my family. I really enjoy going to the cinema, and most recently watch Fast and Furious with Adam Simon. It was a really good program and everyone enjoyed the film.

 - What item do you feel that you could not live without?
Football and telephone. I would choose the football between the two.

- What are the three best qualities that you enjoy most in your girlfriend?
The first would be that she should be homely, which again is becoming a rare thing these days. She should be loyal, but if two people love each other than this is natural. Very patient and a secure person in my life. I like her the way she is and she is very important and valuable to me.

- Are you romantic?
For me it depends on the situation. I would not like to say for sure if this applies to me, but if the situation allows, then I can be that.

- If you ever got to the stage of asking her to marry you, how would you do that?
I have not really thought about this yet. Although there are many things in my head, the final plans have not yet come together yet. I want to ask only one woman for her hand in marriage in my life so I really hope it will be her. I will make sure that it will be a very memorable event and will do all I can.

- Is there anything that you would change about yourself?
Yes, I am very impatient. If I plan something, or would really like something, then I cannot wait. I have been working on this, as it would really be good to change in this area.

- What was your favourite subject at school?
Only physical education. I did not enjoy going to school, and I wanted to play football already back then.

- What would you do if you would not have been a footballer?
I wanted to be a hairdresser or chef when I was a kid. Now, just like probably all the other players, I can say that I cannot imagine myself doing anything other than playing football. This is because football has always been a part of my life, and we all knew this from a young age that it is what we want to do. We did not need to think about what else we would do apart from playing football.

- Do you have any pre-match habits before going out on to the pitch?
I have many. I would like to keep some of them a secret, but I would say that I always take a shower in the dressing room before a game. I also have pants that I only wear during games, and I always go out to look at the pitch before playing. These are just some, but there are so many that I could not list them. There are some that I forget, so if I play well, then I will not do those any longer. There are some fixed, while the others always depend on the game.

- Do you watch any TV series?
I do not really watch TV, and especially series, which I just do not follow.

- Would you rather live in a big city or small village?
I think that I would be better off living in a big city, but when I will have a family and kids, then I will look for the quieter and more calm environment.

- Are you planning any holidays?
Time will be very tight so I do not think I will. If we do end up having a few days, then perhaps we will head towards Croatia.

- Is there anywhere in the world that you have not yet been to, but would gladly visit?
I went to Oslo with my girlfriend in the winter. There was no snow, which I was missing a little bit, but it was still a great place despite that. I find the Scandinavian countries like Norway and Sweden very appealing, but I would go to USA anytime.

- Do you do any cooking?
When I lived alone, then I used to, but only a few things that I was able to prepare: Chicken dishes, fry up's, sandwiches. Fortunately I do not have to deal with this as the cooking is done for me.

- How was your Easter?
It went very well and especially the calm. We went to my parents and also to the parents of my girlfriend.

- What is the morale like in the dressing room?
The team is very together and there is a very good feeling. There are those that provoke, which I think is normal in most first division dressing rooms, which are an everyday thing in ours. There are those that work hard in this each day. Roland Juhasz, Robert Feczesin, Filipe Oliveira, Adam Simon and my good self.

- What do you see yourself doing in 5 years’ time?
I have not really thought about this. Perhaps the most important would be that I am healthy, lucky and balanced.

- What is the most difficult thing in the life of a footballer?
The consistent changes of environment and the uncertainty. Anything can happen anytime, which means we could have to give things up, but we can never know what life brings or which team we end up at. The thought of an injury never leaves our minds, which is hard to live with. Although things can sometimes be difficult, this is our life.


Author: David Rechnitzer

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