Match Report: Defeat against KTE

KTE won with goals from Krisztián Nagy and Krisztofer Horváth - Kodro scored for Vidi in the second half.

In the 28th round of the OTP Bank Liga, our team played against Kecskemét, the second place team in the table, in the MOL Arena Sósto. Bartosz Grzelak sent out the starting eleven of Kovács D. - Bese, Csongvai, Stopira, Heister - Deybi, Christensen, Makarenko - Nego, Kodro, Dárdai.

The first chance came in the 14th minute, when Kodro's close range shot was intercepted by Belényesi, whose hands touched the ball, but neither the referee nor VAR awarded a penalty. In the 18th minute, Krisztofer Horváth's shot was cleared by Stopira with a header from a corner, and in the 25th minute, Dániel Kovács saved Dárdain Szabó's deflected free kick with a smart stop. Half an hour later, Horváth's 15-metre shot from under the crossbar was tipped over by our goalkeeper, but in the 33rd minute he was helpless when Banó-Szabó was at the end of a left-wing attack, and the onrushing Krisztián Nagy made no mistake (0-1). In the 40th minute, the visitors doubled their lead with a counterattack, Krisztofer Horváth scored accurately from the bottom left corner after a feint run and shot (0-2), and the score remained unchanged until the break.

At half-time, neither head coach made a substitution, and for the next ten minutes or so, no chance was created on the pitch. In the 56th minute, Krisztofer Horváth broke inside the penalty area on the right, but could not find the bottom far corner. Immediately afterwards, our head coach made three substitutions, Pokorny, Katona and Kastrati replacing Makarenko, Flores and Bese. In the 59th minute, our loanee Zeke shot, and Kovács saved with his foot and Tóth Barna headed wide. In the 69th minute, Mátyás Katona's brother Bálint Katona came on for our opponent, and in the 78th minute Levente Szabó, who played for Kecskemét on loan in the autumn, came on as well. Nearing the end, Dárdai tried two shots, but first the ball went over the top and then the defenders blocked his attempt. At the end of the match, Dániel Kovács saved Nikitscher's shot and in the 93rd minute Kodro put Katona's pass into the net (2-1), but a minute after the goal, referee Bogár blew his whistle for full time and Kecskemét won.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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