Getting to know Adam Gyurcso - Q+A

We asked the players questions about their everyday lives, the habbits and whether there are any important aspects that play an important role besides work and learning.

Hi! My name is Helga, and I will try my best to help you get to know the players that play week in, week out for Videoton better. Here is my question and answer session with Adam Gyurcso. 

- Android or iOS?

- What is your favourite mobile application?
The pocket torch.

- Do you ever take selfies?

- Which social media do you use? How active are you?
Facebook, but I am not that active as I was in the past.

- Have the supporters sent you requests?
Yes, and I have confirmed them, but it would be better to have a separate supporters page.

- What was your favourite subject at school?
Physical Education.

- What could you consider yourself working in if you had not become a footballer?
IT, only joking, I would not like to deal with anything else.

- What do you consider to be your two best strengths in your personality?
I am a good head and honest.

- What 3 factors do you look for most in a woman?
Personality is important, she should have a positive aura, be able to talk with her, have nice hands and the overall picture should be good. 

- Do you get opinion from others?
I am a little bit stubborn, I do not ask others for opinions, but I do have a word with those closest to me.

- Is there a place in the world that you have not yet been to, but would really like to visit?
Las Vegas. The whole town is attractive to me and I would surely try out the casino's if I get there.

- Do you attend festivals? Do you go to any over the summer?
No, never. I do not like them

- What is your favourite film? Which one did you see most recently?
I really love horror films, but I always enjoy watching action films.  

- Which TV series to you follow?
None of them. I do watch TV, but not series.

- Do you ever cook for yourself?
Yes, I have done and it went well. I have made myself Hungarian style bread, scrambled zucchini, which is my favourite meal, and I have also made myself tea.

- What is your favourite snack?
The small doughnuts. I buy between 10-12 of them and I can eat them all in one afternoon. 

- What music would you gladly listen to when your in the car, David Guetta or Metallica?
David Guetta. 

- Which team mate has the best voice?
Laszlo Kleinheisler really has a good voice, and he has to be good in at least something. 

- Do you have a lucky number?
I have several. Number 7 is my shirt number, but the 8th is the date I was born on and also 13. I played my first international match in the number 13 shirt and also scored my one and only goal. 

- What item do you feel you cannot live without?
I do not have one. I would have to do many things differently if I would not have a mobile, I would have to do more running around, but I would not die without one. 

- What was the best moment in your career so far?
My first international match and the goal in that game. 

- Who is the best player that you have played against?
I would say the Dutch national side.

- Do you have any pre-match habits before running out on to the pitch?

- Do you believe in fate?
I could say that I do, and there has been an example that I had to think about why something happened. 

- Do you usually go shopping?
Yes, I do. If not everyday, but every other day for sure. I do not shop one week ahead, but rather a couple of hours in advance. 

- What item do you place next to your bed when your just about to go to sleep?
Mobile and water. I usually wake up during the night to drink, and my day would begin harder if I did not have the phone there. It would make me late and that would not end up good for me.

- Who has the best sense of humour in the team?
Roland Szolnoki is the funnier one, but Laszlo Kleinheisler is an interesting character in a good way.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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