Statistics against Zalaegerszeg

Videoton and ZTE have met 74 times so far.

The very first match between the two:
The first game between Vidi and ZTE happened back in the 1972/73 season, after weekend 15, when the two fought out a goaless draw in the league.

The first Videoton win:
That also happened in the 1972/73 season, when Vidi beat ZTE 1-0 at the Sostoi stadium. Gabor Fejes scored the all important goal that day.

The biggest win:
That came in the home game during the 2003/2004 season, on May 19th, when Videoton comfortably beat ZTE 5-0 at the Sostoi. The scorers that day were Tibor Szabo (2), Zsolt Dveri, Tomas Medved and Gabriel Vochin. Vidi also managed to twice win by four goals. The first of which came on May 25th 1983, in a 5-1 win (Jozsef Szabo (3), Tibor Nagy, Gyorgy Novath) and again on October 28th 1987, in a 4-0 win (Novath, Emmer, Majer and Magyar)

The best personal performance:
Jozsef Szabo back on the 25th May 1983, in a 5-1 home win, who scored three goals that day.

Scorers against ZTE:

10 Goals: Szabó József
9 Goals:   Tiber László
6 Goals:   Dvéri Zsolt
5 Goals:   Májer Lajos, Földes Gábor, Sitku Illés
4 Goals:   Karsai László, Novath György, Horváth Ferenc
3 Goals:   Baranyi Sándor, Tóth Norbert
2 Goals:   Burcsa Győző, Nagy Tibor, Jován Róbert, Vasile Miriuta, Zsivóczky Gyula, Korsós Attila, Pomper Tibor, Szabó Tibor

Author: David Rechnitzer

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