Match Report: Defeat at Újpest

We failed to recover from a two-goal deficit at the Szusza Ferenc Stadium.

In the 15th round of the OTP Bank Liga our team played Újpest in the Szusza Ferenc Stadium on Wednesday evening. Szabolcs Huszti did not change the starting eleven from the 2-2 draw against FTC on Sunday: Kovács D. - Nego, Serafimov, Fiola, Stopira - Pokorny, Lednev - Kastrati, Houri, Schön - Kodro. Our former player Kevin Csoboth started for Újpest, while Filip Pajovic, a goalkeeper of our second champion team, was on the bench.

In the 7th minute, Pauljevic attempted a left-footed shot from 17 metres out, which was well saved by Kovács. Two minutes later, we lost a ball in our own area, Goure passed to Csobot, who shot into the net from 12 meters (1-0). Eleven minutes into the game, Kastrati from Újpest shot at goal from close range and Goure's double effort was blocked by Kovács. In the 27th minute, Lednev out-jumped Kodro, who curled a 19-metre shot over the goal. After half an hour, Csoboth was in action again, his shot bounced off the post, and five minutes later, a weak effort from Pauljevic was saved by Kovács, and then Katona's cross was powered over the goal by Goure from seven metres. The last home shot of the half was from Csoboth, he aimed 17 metres down the right, Kovács made a smart save, and we closed the half with an 18-metre chance from Houri.

Szabolcs Huszti made three substitutions at the break, with Bese, Dárdai and Funsho replacing Nego, Kastrati and Lednev. Houri moved back next to Pokorny, while Dárdai played behind Kodro. In the 53rd minute, Csongvai's free kick was saved by Kovács. Two minutes later, Katona shot from 18 yards out, and in the 58th minute, Szabó converted the winger's cross from close range - the goal was credited to Funsho's own goal in the MLSZ database after the interval (2-0). Four minutes later Kodró was replaced by Szendrei, and after the substitution Dárdai's corner was headed into the goal by Serafimov (2-1).

In the 70th minute, before a set-piece, the home coach Kruscic shouted Stopira's name to his defenders, but it was in vain, our fullback still managed to head the ball, but unfortunately it went wide. Schön was replaced by Bumba for the last ten minutes. At the end of normal time, after a long VAR review, Antonov was finally shown a yellow card rather than a red for stepping on Funsho's calf, and two minutes later Funsho was shown a red after Goure, who was trying to run on goal, fell in his grasp. The scoreline remained unchanged, with Újpest winning 2-1.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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