I will do my best if I get the chance

Adam Gyurcso has been called into the Hungarian national squad ahead of their two friendly matches against Czech Republic and Ireland

The Hungarian squad have been busy training at their Telki base since Monday. We asked Vidi player Adam Gyurcso how he felt and what his first impressions were of the national team?
I feel very good thank you very much. I am happy to be here. My team mates have helped me to settle in, but I know very well that if I get the chance to play, then I will have to prove myself on the pitch, so that I can claim a place in the national team.

From left to right: Szabics Imre, Szalai Ádám, Gyurcsó Ádám and Dzsudzsák Balázs

Do you know any of the players in the squad, with who you played earlier with, when you were part of the U21 team?
There are no players in the squad with whom I played earlier together with. I know defender Roland Juhasz, as I had met with him at a previous HLSZ Gala event. Tamas Hajnal has also been very helpful, and he has done as much as possible to help me settle in. I have also spoken a lot with Zsolt Korcsmar, as we have the same agent, but that has not been the main subject, but rather the Hungarian team. One strange thing is that the players have a room to themselves, so I do not have a room mate.

We have been working hard so that we can get used to each other over the two days. We have already had three training sessions, with one taking place on Monday afternoon and two on Tuesday. We have concentrated mainly on the attacking side of our game, but we will be practicing our defending in the next session.

What does the national team manager expect from you?
I had the chance to speak with him alone for a few minutes on the first day. He told me that my performances was the reason why I was called up. That I should try to do the same things I have been doing in league games, and for what I am capable of doing. I had the feeling from our meeting that I could end up playing a part in the match in Prague on Friday. We do not have an out and out right sided player in the national team as there is on the left with Dzsudzsak. He is capable of running down the wing before crossing the ball in to the middle. Usually the players on the right tend to come inside, and I am thinking here mainly of Vladimir Koman or even Tamas Hajnal. They have played the most on the wing. If I can do well in the national team, then hopefully Sandor Egervari will count on me for the long term.

Author: David Rechnitzer