Has Laszlo Lencse found his goalscoring shoes?

Lencse was one of the three Vidi goalscorers at Haladas

+ Yes, I think that I am in good form at the moment. I managed to score in the friendly match with Ujpest, and although I had little time on the pitch, against Paks in the league cup, I got 45 minutes in Wednesday's Hungarian cup game at Haladas, and I scored in that one too. You could say that I have found my old self, and I am feeling more and more comfortable on the pitch.

- You scored a nice clever goal against Haladas, where you simply lifted the ball over their keeper Mursits. 

+ Sadly the Videoton fans do not know this side of my game, but I scored many similar goals in the past. I am happy that I have not forgotten that move.

- Everyone at Videoton is also pleased. What do you think was the problem uptil now?

+ Honestly speaking, I do not know either. Perhaps I needed this amount of time, to begin to feel good again on the pitch. I am not really thinking about this now, as the most important thing is that I have found my form again.

- Let's look a little bit ahead: MTK, who were your previous club are the visitors to the Sostoi stadium on Saturday. They are the same team that you nearly moved to on loan, a couple of weeks ago. What feelings do you have inside with regards to this game?

+ Yes, there was talk about me going back there. The idea of a loan period came about to give me more chance to play in games somewhere. Things worked out in the end that I would stay with Videoton, so I am not focusing on what might have been. I have to show at this club what I am capable of. With regards to Saturday's match, i will be approaching it in just the same way as with any other match.I think that they will build their game around quick counter attacks, especially as they have Kanta back in their side. He gets them going well, and he sets the forwards up with goalscoring chances. We will need to really concentrate on that, and we will have to stop this from happening. We are after the league title and we must make sure that we get all three points, and if we do that, then there will not be too many problems.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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