Defeat away to Puskas Academy

Favorov scored the games only goal in the second half.

On Sunday afternoon, the winter break ended for our team, as Imre Szabics' team travelled to Puskás Akadémia FC in the 18th round of the OTP Bank League. The game kicked off at 13:00 at the Pancho Arena. Vidi's starting eleven was Kovács D. - Nego, Lüftner, Rus, Heister - Lednev, Zulj, Makarenko, Petryak - Kodro, Dárdai, while the Felcsút team also had Alexandru Baluta, who missed the match against FTC due to suspension, and three-time Vidi champion Roland Szolnoki on the pitch.

Our team had the first real chance, in the seventh minute, when Dárdai received a good ball from Lednev, who sent a powerful shot from seven meters above the top corner. A minute later, Dániel Kovács was at work, as Zsolt Nagy's eight-meter effort was saved by our goalkeeper. The ball was mainly in the middle of the pitch for the next quarter of an hour, and in the 24th minute Adrián Rus made a great tackling save inside our penalty area after a Kozák pass. A minute later, Zsolt Nagy shot at goal from 15 yards out, his left footed shot from inside the box was saved by Kovács.

In the 28th minute Zsolt Nagy was again in a shooting position after a pass from Baluta at the end of a PAFC attack on the left, but the Hungarian international, who has played for our team before and this time as a forward, missed the goal. A minute later, captain Kodro had a great tussle inside the Felcsút box, but could not find the net. Thirty-five minutes into the match, Slagveer attempted a shot from 13 yards out, but hit the ball the wrong way and Kovács saved easily. Four minutes before the end of the first half, Favorov nodded the ball at our goal in the 43rd minute but the ball nestled on top of the net. Vidi had a dangerous cross from the right and left, but Nunes cleared both times. 

Neither manager made a substitution at the break, and the second half started with Ivan Petryak's long-range shot that missed Markek's goal. In the 54th minute, Kodro kept the ball well on the baseline, his centre was almost met by Zulj in the middle but Csaba Spandler saved his team from a certain goal with a good clearance. Two minutes later, Lednev's pass found the Bosnian striker, who fired the ball low and wide of the goal from 15 metres. The action continued a minute later, Kodro was again in the thick of things, along with Tamás Markek, who made a superb save as he prevented Vidi's first goal of the year. He had been set up by a good pass from Bohdan Lednev. In the 67th minute Baluta's cross was headed into the net by Favorov (1-0). Shortly after the goal, Imre Szabics and Zsolt Hornyák made changes: for us, Dárdai was replaced by Géresi, while Komáromi and Skribek replaced Kozák and Slagveer for PAFC.

Towards the end, Baluta was replaced by Corbu Marius. In the 76th minute, a corner was awarded to Vidi and Lednev's corner kick was headed out from inside the five-yard box, and Heister's cross from the other side was blocked. In the last ten minutes Funsho replaced Petryak and in the 85th minute one of our new signings, Lednev, was replaced by Nikolic. In the 87th minute, Zulj's corner was cleared by the home side and in the 92nd minute, Kodro headed towards the Felcsút goal from a sharp angle, but Markek saved the shot. We started 2022 in the OTP Bank League with a one-goal defeat.

The team will next play Debrecen on Saturday at 19:30 at the MOL Arena Sósto.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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