Danilovics: We are only thinking about winning

Vidi's keeper looks ahead to Saturday's match at home to Paks.

"We have won four of our last five league games. You could say that we are not in bad form at the moment. The matches have also gone well for me but that is now in the past and something that can be built upon. Those results will not count too much for us as we prepare to face Paks. We will have to do everything to close this half year well, as a win could see us up to second place if other results go for us. That would be very good considering the way we started the season. Paks are a very massive side, and it is difficult to break down their defence. We experienced that in our game with them in the summer. We ended up losing that match despite attacking for large spells. It will be a hard task but we are only thinking about winning. I hope that many supporters will come out and back us and that we can say goodbye to the Sostoi stadium with a win" - commented Branislav Danilovics.

Author: David Rechnitzer

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